Curiosity driven!

I am Marta 👋🏻 I love experimenting with new ways to learn and continuously improve.

I work as Backend Developer, currently in Python & Django.

In free time I'm caring for my digital garden, my Personal Knowledge Management system.

Technical skills

I used many languages and technologies during my 10 years of working as Backend Developer. I easily adapt to new technical approaches.

Below list of tools I feel more comfortable working with. I am open to learn more than that!

Tech Stack

ruby programming language logo











Notion app logo


Pycharm app logo


Obsidian app logo


Vim app logo


Soft skills

Technical skills are important, but soft skills too! I am interested in psychology and communication. I use them to better collaborate with others.

I work remotely for 10 years now, thanks to this I know benefits and disadvantages of this way of working. And what to do to improve it 😉

clear communication

The most important part of team work! I am interested especially in asynchronous communication and how to use it to better work together.

time management

I know different types of time management technics and I use them in work and personal life, so I can effectively go through my responsibilities.

hybrid team

I feel at ease working remotely but I know that meeting in person is invaluable in building trust and good relationship at work, so if I have opportunity to meet offline, I use it.

continuous improvement

I am lifelong learner that lives by continuously improving. Not only with my programming skills, but also in team work and leadership.

Knowledge sharing

Knowledge sharing is important to me. I think it's one of the best ways to improve oneself. Also it makes working together more interesting and satisfying.

writing documentation

In a team I am the one that writes down good practices, updates meeting notes or improve technical documentation when it's out-of-date. One of my team members called me documentation queen 👑


Most of my presentations had company-level reachability. Example topics I presented: asynchronous communication, onboarding or security measurements in Django. I also spoke couple of times outside of work-related events.

digital garden

To mój obecny eksperyment związany z ulepszaniem mojego systemu zarządzania wiedzą osobistą oraz uczenia się publicznie. Prowadzę go od stycznia 2024 i czuję, że zostanie ze mną na dużo dłużej 🌱


Już niedługo planuję połączyć moje zamiłowanie do pisania i zainteresowanie tematem zarządzania wiedzą osobistą i wystartować z co tygodniowym newsletterem!

Work experience

I worked on different projects with different clients. Below summary of the most key parts of those collaborations.

I worked for corporate clients from various industries on their products that they shared with their customers or were internal tools that improved their workflow.

I know IT projects on different stages of development. I've taken part in building APIs from scratch, add new functionalities to existing codebases and bugfixing and maintaining legacy apps.

I've worked in small, hybrid teams with people from all over the world and from various specializations.


If you think we can work together on something cool and interesting, look at my collaboration site to know more about my availability and preferences.